March 18, 2021
Sexual Abuse Litigation and Coverage Conference

If you missed this conference and would like to purchase the recordings, please contact

Sexual Abuse Litigation Coverage Conference

Thursday, March 18, 2021

10:00am ET-5:00pm ET

Conference Chair:

Virtual Conference Registration Fees:

  • First and Second Registrants: $485
  • Third and Fourth Registrants: $460
  • Fifth and Sixth Registrants: $435
  • Seventh and Eighth Registrants: $410
  • Ninth and Tenth Registrants: $385

In-house counsel and insurance professionals receive complimentary registration at Perrin Conferences.

For more information regarding registration and for registering groups of more than ten, contact Lynnsey Perrin at or Bethany Corio at

If you are interested in submitting a speaking proposal or sponsoring at this conference, please contact Lynnsey Perrin

Thank you to our conference sponsors and partners:

Alan Gray new Oct 2018
Carlton Fields
Cook Group
ePlace Solutions, Inc.
Goldberg Segalla
Hart McLaughlin
McGivney Kluger Clark & Intoccia
MGM use 9 2018
OToole Scrivo
Pace USE March 2019
Policy Find
roux flag

If you missed this conference and would like to purchase the recordings, please contact

This conference is pending approval for approximately 6.0 CLE credit hours depending on the state.  CLE applications are being made to all states as requested by attendees. Please contact Cassie Shankweiler with questions regarding approved states for CLE Credit. Perrin cannon guarantee accreditation in every state. Approval is determined by each jurisdiction's governing body.

This conference is approved for 6.0 general CE adjuster credits in FL, OK and TX. It is pending approval for 6.0 credit hours in NH. In order to receive CE credit, attendees must attend the full program. No partial CE credit will be provided.

Please contact Bethany Corio with questions.

Cancellation Policy

If you cannot attend the conference, please notify us prior to March 8 2021, and we will refund your fee. Cancellations received after this date and no-shows are subject to a $100 administrative fee. You may enroll a substitute at any time before the course starts.

Financial Aid Policy

Perrin Conferences is dedicated to providing high-quality continuing legal education to attorneys interested in course offerings. Program registrants who are unable to afford registration fees due to financial hardship may apply for a complete registration waiver or reduction in fee. Factors to be considered include employment status and annual income. Please send a written letter to Lynnsey Perrin at addressing your financial situation for consideration. All requests must be submitted 14 days prior to the start of the program and are kept confidential.