Goldberg Segalla Environmental Law Monitor PFAS Compendium

 (January 1, 2023- August 29, 2023)

Short Summary:

Goldberg Segalla’s Environmental Law Monitor blog is a go-to source for up-to-date information on all things happening in environmental law involving health and safety regulatory issues, general environmental policies and regulations, and proposed legislation.  In the PFAS Blog compendium we have captured our most recent posts on a variety of issues surrounding PFAS regulations, legislation and case law developments. For PFAS related questions or inquiries, please contact John F. Parker or George H. Buermann.  View Full Article

EPA’s 2023 Plans For PFAS: High Costs, Uncertain Rewards

By Brian Gross, Max Swetman, and Elle Day, MG+M The Law Firm (Law360, January 3, 2023)

Short Summary:

In a Law360 Expert Analysis article, MG+M The Law Firm Partners Brian Gross and Max Swetman and Associate Arielle Day discuss the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed regulations around the use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in industrial and consumer applications and the likely enormous impact on the US economy if these regulations are enacted. View Full Article

EPA Offers Guidance for Chemical-Exposure Assessments, but Its Risk Assessments Are Still Plagued by Inadequate Scientific Support

By Brian D. GrossMax Swetman, and Uri S. Carni (January 23, 2023)

Short Summary:

Partner Brian Gross and Associate Yuhanna Whye discuss EPA’s notice to solicit public comments and recommendations on its next round of National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives. The primary objective of these initiatives is to “protect human health and the environment by holding polluters accountable and compelling regulated entities to return to compliance.” It is recommended that companies that previously or currently manufacture, use or dispose of PFAS and/or PFAS-containing materials implement measures to reduce or eliminate their output. View Full Article

DC Court of Appeals Dismisses Advocacy-Group Challenge to EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act for Lack of Standing

By Uri S. Carni, Brian D. Gross, and Natasha A. Corb (February 3, 2023)

Short Summary:

Partners Brian Gross and Natasha Corb and Associate Uri Carni discuss the DC Court of Appeals’ dismissal of the industry challenge to the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act, which establishes health advisory levels for PFAS in drinking water. It is likely that this issue will be revisited in courts later this year following the EPA’s issuance of maximum contaminant. View Full Article