April 7, 2020
Webinar Recording Available: 2019 Asbestos Litigation Year in Review

Webinar recording available. Contact Amy Williams at awilliams@perrinconferences.com for more information on how to purchase webinar recording and earn CLE credit.


Megan Shockley, Senior Manager, KCIC

Michelle Potter, Vice President, KCIC

Carrie Scott, Vice President, KCIC

This webinar will provide an in-depth analysis of asbestos-related personal injury through year end 2019 including:
  • How asbestos litigation has changed over the years and the trends currently driving this litigation. 
  • Statistics based on disease, jurisdiction, and plaintiff firm.
  • Alternative exposure types.
  • Filings by gender, resident state, etc. 
  • Verdict trends.
  • How the average plaintiff age and date of first exposure are changing over time.

CLE Credit is available.  Approved for Florida CE Credit.
