February 10, 2022
2:00-3:30 p.m. ET
Catastrophic Climate Change Loss and Insurance Coverage

Catastrophic Climate Change Loss and Insurance Coverage

Webinar Sponsored By:

Join us for this complimentary webinar on Thursday, February 10, 2022 from 2:00-3:30 pm ET.


Program Overview

Climate change and its resulting severe weather effects are here.  One need look no further than the severe flooding from Hurricane Ida and even more recent destructive tornadoes in the southeast and mid-west.  Climate change has disrupted traditional weather patterns.  What was a once a hundred-year risk of a catastrophic hurricane is now occurring with frightening frequency.  Wildfires ravage the west coast and are occurring inland as well.

This program will equip attendees with strategies to maximize insurance recoveries for these climate change-related losses by:

  1. Recognizing and understanding key insurance coverage considerations;
  2. Recognizing and including business interruption losses and extra expense outlays;
  3. Preparing and presenting well-supported property damage claims;
  4. Outlining strategies for pursuing claims and incentivizing the insurance company to resolve them with due speed; and
  5. Navigating the insurance appraisal process as a means of resolving valuation disputes.

To register for this complimentary webinar, click on the Register tab. Complimentary registration comes with CLE credit in one state and will be available in California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. 

If you would like to purchase CLE credits for additional states, there will be a $75 per state CLE charge.

For more information about registration, contact Amy Williams at awilliams@perrinconferences.com.

To register for this complimentary webinar, click on the Register tab. Complimentary registration comes with CLE credit in one state and will be available in California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. 

For more information about registration, contact Amy Williams at awilliams@perrinconferences.com.